The way the company HANO d.o.o. operates, indicates constant communication and cooperation with customers.
Types of this cooperation are numerous and include many activities from identifying and monitoring customer needs, through taking on obligations to meet them, quality control to taking over products (facilities) and performing services for the customer and after the formal completion of the work.
The complete fulfilment of the requirements and needs of users of products made by HANO d.o.o., is the basic goal of the quality policy.
In order to convince customers and users of our products of the company’s ability to fully meet their expectations, the Director and all HANO employees take all necessary actions to ensure that the delivered products fully meet the specified requirements, needs or expectations of the customer, as well as all quality requirements contained in specified reference, national or international standards.
At the same time, strong business cooperation has been established with our suppliers based on a professional relationship and with mutual benefit and satisfaction.
Therefore, the available knowledge, qualifications and experience of the entire staff, as well as the available material resources, are directed towards the construction, maintenance and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system. Thus we ensure control and integration of individual business processes into one, overall process HANO d.o.o.
We are convinced that other goals can be achieved in this way:
- Increasing production volume each year compared to the previous
- Increasing profits through reducing operating costs
- Increasing work motivation and living standards of employees
- Establishing and maintaining long-term mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers of goods and services for the needs of HANO
The Director and all employees of HANO are firmly committed and obliged to strictly implement the activities described in this quality policy and other documents of the quality management system.